USDA Rural Development
USDA Updates
- Resources and Funding Opportunities
- STAKEHOLDER ANNOUNCEMENT: USDA Implements Immediate Measures to Help Rural Residents, Businesses and Communities Affected by COVID-19 *Updated April 8, 2020*
- Proposed Changes to Eligibility of Certain Rural Areas
2022 NAHMA Rural Housing Updates
- News Release USDA Awards Over $1.4 Million to Southeastern States to Increase Access to Local, Healthy Foods for Kids
- NAHMA USDA Update: Multifamily Housing Partnership Presentation
- NAHMA USDA Update: Join MFH Leadership and Field Operations Staff for Program Update Meeting this Thursday, Jan. 20 at 3PM (EST)
- NAHMA USDA Update: RD Provides Updated Guidance on Section 504 Compliance
2021 NAHMA Rural Housing Updates
- NAHMA USDA Update: RD Multifamily Disaster Guidance in Response to Tornados in Kentucky and Other States
- NAHMA USDA Update: Construction Monitoring and Change Order Guidance
- NAHMA USDA Update: Multifamily Housing Partnership Presentation
- NAHMA USDA Update: Join Rural Development MFH Field Operations Staff for Stakeholders Meeting (Oct. 13, 3:00 PM EST)
- NAHMA USDA Update: MFH Issues Advisory for Tropical Storm Nicholas
- NAHMA USDA Update: RD Publishes Management Fees for FY 2022
- NAHMA USDA Update: Multifamily Housing Partnership Quarterly Update and Presentation
- NAHMA Update: Administration Announces Additional Actions by Treasury, HUD, USDA to Prevent Evictions
- NAHMA USDA Update: Multifamily Housing Partnership Quarterly Update and Presentation
- NAHMA USDA Update: Rural Development Provides Multifamily Housing Partnership Updates
- Pres. Biden's FY22 Budget Request for HUD and USDA; Housing Provisions under Tax Policy and Infrastructure Plan
- NAHMA USDA Update: NOSA; Workshop for Off-Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants for New Construction, Letter of Priority Enrollment
- NAHMA USDA Update: USDA Provides Status Update on the CDC Eviction Moratorium
- NAHMA USDA Update: USDA Issues Environmental Policies and Procedures for Section 538 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program
- NAHMA USDA Update: Multifamily Housing Leasing Policies and Emergency Rental Assistance
- NAHMA USDA Update: Annual Financial Reporting Requirements for Multifamily Borrowers
- NAHMA USDA Update: USDA Issues Policy Clarification on LOPE Letter Eligibility
- NAHMA USDA Update: USDA Provides FAQs for Multifamily Annual Financial Reports for FY 2020
- CDC Order to Temporarily Halt Residential Evictions
- NAHMA USDA Update: Rural Development Announces Section 538 Guarantee Fee Forum (Feb. 18, 2021)