PIH Notices

The role of the Office of Public and Indian Housing is to ensure safe, decent, and affordable housing; create opportunities for residents' self-sufficiency and economic independence, and assure fiscal integrity by all program participants.


PIH 2022-02: Return of Public Housing Assessment Systems (PHAS) assessments upon expiration of PHAS-related waivers in Notice PIH 2021-14

PIH 2022-01: Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors in U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-Assisted Housing


PIH 2021-38: COVID-19 Statutory and Regulatory Amendment to PIH Notice 2021-14 (HA), Providing for the Release of Public Housing Assessment System Scores for Federal Fiscal Year 2019

PIH 2021-37: Guidance on Eligibility for Asset-Repositioning Fee (ARF)

PIH 2021-36: CARES Act Supplemental Operating Fund Close-Out Procedures

PIH 2021-35: Guidance on Inventory Management System/PIH Information Center (IMS-PIC) Sub-Module Reporting and Validation

PIH 2021-34: Expedited Regulatory Waivers for the Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher (including Mainstream and Mod Rehab) Programs

PIH 2021-33: Submitting CARES Act Waiver Adoption Information to HUD by December 20, 2021

PIH 2021-32: EXTENSION of American Rescue Plan Act – Adjustment Funding for Calendar Year 2021 Housing Choice Voucher Program and Mainstream Vouchers Renewal Funding Applications

PIH 2021-31: Public Housing Operating Subsidy Grant Eligibility Calculations and Processing for Calendar Year (CY) 2022

PIH 2021-30: Revision of Application Process for the Small-Rural Frozen Rolling Base Program

PIH 2021-29: Supplemental Guidance to the Interim Final Rule “Extension of Time and Required Disclosures for Notification of Nonpayment of Rent”

PIH 2021-28: Providing Interim Funding to Recipients of Indian Housing Block Grants

PIH 2021-27: Updates to Flat Rent Submission Requirements

PIH 2021-26: Foster Youth to Independence Initiative

PIH 2021-25: Emergency Housing Vouchers – Voucher Management System and Financial Data Schedule Reporting Requirements

PIH 2021-24: Revision to Deadline for submitting Revised Operating Subsidy forms related to the Small and Rural Frozen Rolling Base

PIH 2021-23: American Rescue Plan Act – Adjustment Funding for Calendar Year 2021 Housing Choice Voucher Program and Mainstream Vouchers Renewal Funding and Updated Application Process for Unforeseen Circumstances Funding

PIH 2021-22: Indian Community Development Block Grant – American Rescue Plan Act (ICDBG-ARP) Implementation Notice

PIH 2021-21: Registration of Interest for HUD-VASH Vouchers

PIH 2021-20: Emergency Housing Vouchers – Household Reporting Requirements

PIH 2021-19: EXTENSION of Request for Applications under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program – Landlord Incentives Cohort #4

PIH 2021-18: RESCINDING of Request for Applications under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program Cohort #3 – Work Requirements

PIH 2021-17: Revision of Application Process for the Small-Rural Frozen Rolling Base Program

PIH 2021-16: Guidance on the use of Tenant Participation Funds

PIH 2021-15: Emergency Housing Vouchers – Operating Requirements

PIH 2021-14: COVID-19 Statutory and Regulatory Waivers and Alternative Requirements for the Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher (including Mainstream and Mod Rehab), Indian Housing Block Grant and Indian Community Development Block Grant programs, Suspension of Public Housing Assessment System and Section Eight Management Assessment Program, Revision 3

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PIH 2021-13: NHHBG - ARP Implementation Notice

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PIH 2021-12: Implementation of Public Housing Operating Fund Shortfall Funding from Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2021 Appropriations

PIH 2021-11: IHBG-ARP Implementation Notice 

- Attachment

PIH 2021-10: Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2021 Funding Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Program, and Availability of FFY 2020 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Set-Aside Funds for Second Round Per Unit Cost (PUC) Increases due to Unforeseen Circumstances

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PIH 2021-09: Procedural Guidance for Tribal HUD-VA Supportive Housing (Tribal HUD-VASH) Renewal Grant Applications

PIH 2021-08: Financial Reporting Requirements for the Housing Choice Voucher and Mainstream Voucher Program Submitted through the Financial Assessment Subsystem for Public Housing (FASS-PH) and the Voucher Management System (VMS)

PIH 2021-07 (HA): Demolition and/or disposition of public housing property, eligibility for tenant-protection vouchers, and associated requirements

PIH 2021-06: Process for Amending ICDBG-CARES Grants

PIH 2021-05: Use of Shared Housing in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program

PIH 2021-04: Public Housing Operating Fund (“OpFund”) Grant Eligibility Calculations and Processing for Calendar Year (CY) 2021

PIH 2021-03: Request for Applications under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program for Fiscal Year 2021: COHORT #4 – Landlord Incentives

PIH 2021-02: Request for Applications under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program for Fiscal Year 2021: COHORT #3 – Work Requirements

PIH 2021-01: Use of Expired Guidance

To view previous PIH Notices, visit the archives at HUD.Gov or the Resource Library.