HUD Publishes Updates to Seven NSPIRE Standards
- By: admin
- On: 06/16/2022 09:20:54
- In: HUD Notices
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has recently published seven updated standards. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has recently published seven updated standards...
HUD Publishes Updates to Seven NSPIRE Standards
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has recently published seven updated standards:
Call-for-Aid Standard (version 2.2)

Carbon Monoxide Alarm Standard (version 2.2.1) Door - Fire Labeled Standard (version 2.2.1)
Exit Sign Standard (version 2.2)
Fire Extinguisher Standard (version 2.2)
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Standard (version 2.2)
Mold-Like Substance Standard (version 2.2)
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has recently published seven updated standards:

All new standards are available on the NSPIRE standards web page.
Previous versions of the NSPIRE standards are also available.
Each standard includes a summary of changes. HUD updates the standards using data gathered during Demonstration inspections and feedback from stakeholder input and outreach efforts such as feedback on the proposed rule, workshops, webinars, and listening sessions.
As the NSPIRE Demonstration continues through April 2023, the standards may be updated again before HUD implements the final NSPIRE rule. After implementation, HUD will review and revise the NSPIRE standards as part of a process of continuous improvement process. These updates will occur at least every three years through Federal Register notices—including opportunities for public comments. HUD approaches the NSPIRE standards with the key principles of people-centered design, focus on efficiency, science- based rationales, continuous improvement through collaboration, and streamlined operations. HUD's goals for the standards include being technically accurate, relevant to industry measures, easy to understand, and free of subjective language. Standards are updated to focus on health and safety conditions of residents' homes while reducing regulatory burden on housing providers and keeping abreast of current realities of the housing industry.
For questions, comments, or recommendations on the NSPIRE standards, please email or call the NSPIRE Information Center at 800-883-1448.
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