
NAHMA HUD Update: HUD Issues HOME-ARP Implementation Notice

HUD has recently published the HOME-ARP implementation notice for use of funds under the American Rescue Plan. 

HUD Issues HOME-ARP Implementation Notice

HUD has recently published the HOME-ARP implementation notice for use of funds under the American Rescue Plan. Notice CPD-21-10 establishes the requirements for the $5 billion provided under the American Rescue Plan Act through the HOME program (HOME-ARP). The funding is intended to provide housing and services primarily for households experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The notice is effective immediately.
For more information, please see the announcement below.
HOME-ARP Implementation Notice and Fact Sheets Now Available
HUD has issued Notice CPD-21-10: Requirements for the Use of Funds in the HOME-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) Program (HOME-ARP Notice) which establishes requirements for funds appropriated under section 3205 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (P.L. 117-2) (ARP) for the HOME Program to provide homelessness assistance and supportive services. The HOME-ARP Notice includes an Appendix: Waivers and Alternative Requirements for Implementation of the HOME-ARP Program which describes waivers and alternative requirements, consistent with ARP, imposed on all HOME-ARP awards by the HOME-ARP Notice.

HUD has also issued a series of HOME-ARP Implementation Notice Fact Sheets to support program implementation.


If you are a Participating Jurisdiction (PJ) or HUD grantee with a HOME-ARP policy or program implementation question, please contact your local HUD Field Office or the HOME-ARP mailbox.

Stay Up to Date on HOME-ARP

HOME-ARP resources, tools, and training will continue to be posted on the HUD Exchange as they become available.



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