
NAHMA HUD Update: HUD Issues Request for Applications Under Moving to Work Demonstration Program

HUD's Office of Public and Indian Housing recently published two notices offering eligible public housing agencies (PHAs) the opportunity to apply for admission to the Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration Program.

HUD Issues Request for Applications Under Moving to Work Demonstration Program

HUD's Office of Public and Indian Housing recently published two notices offering eligible public housing agencies (PHAs) the opportunity to apply for admission to the Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration Program.
·         PIH Notice 2021-03, Request for Applications under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program for Fiscal Year 2021: COHORT #4 – Landlord Incentives, lays out the process by which PHAs will be selected for the fourth cohort of the MTW Expansion and will test landlord incentives and their effect on landlord participation in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. This notice also details how the effectiveness of these activities and initiatives will be evaluated in the fourth cohort of the MTW Expansion. Please note that HUD has identified seven MTW activities in the MTW Operations Notice that have the potential to act as landlord incentives and all PHAs that apply for the fourth cohort of the MTW Expansion must choose at least TWO activities from the MTW Operations Notice Activities List. Applications are due by August 8, 2021 and PHAs must meet eligibility requirements by April 16, 2021.
·         PIH Notice 2021-02Request for Applications under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program for Fiscal Year 2021: COHORT #3 – Work Requirements, describes the process by which PHAs will be selected for the third cohort of the MTW Expansion and will test the impact of implementing a work requirement policy to increase self-sufficiency on the PHA and the residents it serves. PHAs may choose to implement a work requirement policy in the public housing program, the HCV program, or both programs. As described in the notice, HUD is seeking to balance the goal of allowing applicant PHAs maximum flexibility to design a work requirement policy while still ensuring that the policies across the PHAs are similar enough to support rigorous evaluation. Applications are due by August 8, 2021 and PHAs must meet eligibility requirements by April 16, 2021.
PIH Notice 2021-03, Request for Applications under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program for Fiscal Year 2021: COHORT #4 – Landlord Incentives is available here.
PIH Notice 2021-02, Request for Applications under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program for Fiscal Year 2021: COHORT #3 – Work Requirements is available here.



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