
NAHMA HUD Update: HUD Announces CNA e-Tool 3.0 October 13 Go Live Date

The Department of Housing and Urban Development is continuing the rollout of the CNA e-Tool, version 3.0., scheduled to go live on October 13, 2020.

HUD Announces CNA e-Tool 3.0 October 13 Go Live Date

  1. CNA e-Tool is Ready to Go Live.  What is the new “go live” calendar?
In our previous Bulletin of August 14, HUD delayed the release of CNA e-Tool 3.0 scheduled for August 24 to solve certain user access problems discovered in testing.  These problems have been solved.  The Multifamily Capital Needs Assessment e-Tool 3.0 is ready for implementation. The new, cloud-based tool delivers expanded functionality providing an improved user experience.  CNA e-Tool 3.0 will go live on October 13. To facilitate the transition, we have established the following calendar of events:

A. September 8- HUD invites all registered external users to test or “ping” the system by signing on using your M-ID and password.  See the attached easy instruction.  This will assure you that your M-ID and password work.
B. September 15- HUD invites a single representative from each firm, (lenders, needs assessors, PHAs, PAEs) to contact to arrange for their users to “play” in the CNA e-Tool 3.0 “sandbox” to get the feel of hands-on-the-keys experience in Release 3.0 prior to go live.
C. September 15- HUD will post the draft CNA e-Tool 3.0 User Guide on the CNA e-Tool homepage.  The User Guide may be used as a learning aide while using the “sandbox.”
D. October 9- midnight EDT, the Data Transfer Period ends and the Black Out period begins.  No CNA e-Tool will be available until 12:00 a.m. EDT on October 13 (Tuesday following Columbus Day holiday).
E. October 13- 8:00 a.m. EDT CNA e-Tool 3.0 goes live.  All prior CNAs will appear in the new version (See Data Transfer FAQ)

2.   What should users do?
Users should continue working with current Excel Assessment Tool files and continue to advance CNAs through the current web application.  But please make sure to validate any new or updated Excel Assessment Tool files prior to the October 9 end of the Data Transfer Period.  (See the “how to” video here and Data Transfer FAQ here). Individual registered users can test their ID and password access using the attached instruction.
Each user firm may identify a single person to contact and arrange for their colleagues to have access to the CNA e-Tool Sandbox.
Other training materials are available here.

3.            How can I get further information?
For further technical information, please email



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