NAHMA HUD Update: HUD Provides Troubleshooting and Tips for Submitting COVID19 Supplemental Requests - Due August 5
- By: admin
- On: 07/30/2020 11:04:53
- In: NAHMA Update
Requests are due to HUD or the Contract Administrator by August 5, 2020, and must be submitted on the OMB approved form HUD 52671-E.
HUD Provides Troubleshooting and Tips for Submitting COVID19 Supplemental Requests
Requests are due to HUD or the Contract Administrator by August 5, 2020, and must be submitted on the OMB approved form HUD 52671-E.
On July 23, 2020, the Office of Housing published a Housing Notice, “Availability of Funds for COVID-19 Supplemental Payments (CSPs) for Properties Receiving Project-Based Rental Assistance under the Section 8, Section 202, or Section 811 Programs.”
The supplemental payments may cover additional cleaning and disinfecting, additional staff, face coverings, and other expenses to help keep properties safe for residents. The Housing Notice allows owners to submit payment requests for expenses incurred between March 27, 2020 and July 31, 2020.
Property owners and management agents should contact their assigned HUD Account Executive or Contract Administrator with any questions about property eligibility for a CSP.
Please share this message widely with your colleagues, staff, members, and friends; and continue to visit the Multifamily home page for the most recent Q&A and other guidance about the COVID-19 pandemic.
Form HUD 52671-E Troubleshooting and Tips for Submission
- If you are having difficulty with calculated cells not populating, please ensure Javascripts are enabled in your PDF reader. This may be confirmed under the “Preferences” or “Options” menus, dependent on the software being used.
- To eliminate difficulties with drop-down fields, download the file and open from within your PDF program, rather than attempting to populate directly from within the web browser.
- All new submissions must be on the final OMB-Approved form. Please consult Notice 20-8 for guidance in completing the form and determining if any additional materials must accompany the form submission.
- As indicated in the Notice, owners are strongly encouraged to submit the form in its original fillable format. For entities who do not have digital signature capabilities, requesters should fully populate and save the PDF form, then print, sign, scan, and save as a PDF. Owners must submit Form 52671-E with the required owner signature. However, when not using a digital signature, owners are encouraged to also attach a copy of their populated (unsigned) form in the fillable format. Sharing of CSP request information in this file format will accelerate processing to the benefit of requesting owners.