
FY 2020 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants NOFA is posted!

We're excited to announce that HUD posted the FY 2020 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants NOFA to on July 14, 2020.

Saludos a todos de la Oficina de HUD en San Juan:
Les comparto esta información valiosa acerca de la oportunidad de fondos de Choice Neighborhoods, un programa para planificación de comunidades.
En HUD seguimos trabajando de forma remota para apoyar a nuestros participantes y comunidades. Para dudas o preguntas sobre el programa de Choice Neighborhoods, puede escribir a

Greetings to all from the HUD Office in San Juan:
I am sharing this valuable information about the funding opportunity for Choice Neighborhoods, a community planning program.
At HUD we continue to work remotely to support our participants and communities. For questions or concerns about the Choice Neighborhoods program, you can write to

FY 2020 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants NOFA is posted!

We're excited to announce that HUD posted the FY 2020 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants NOFA to on July 14, 2020. 
With this publication, HUD is making available up to $5,000,000 for Planning Grants.  Planning Grants are two-year grants of up to $450,000 each that assist communities with severely distressed public or HUD-assisted housing in developing a successful neighborhood transformation plan and carrying out early action activities to build the support necessary for that plan to be successfully implemented.
Applications are due on Monday, September 14, 2020.   
For more information about the Choice Neighborhoods program, please visit  The NOFA and application package must be downloaded from the site.  Potential applicants may submit questions to
Thank you,
The Choice Neighborhoods team



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