
Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program

HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment.

30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Program OMB Control; OMB Control #2506-NEW

AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Officer, HUD.

SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of 60 days was published on January 6, 2020 at 85 FR 519.

A. Overview of Information Collection
  • Title of Information Collection: Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Program.
  • OMB Approval Number: 2506-New.
  • Type of Request: New. Form Number: N/A.
  • Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The Rent Calculation Worksheet is used at the beginning of the renewal contract term to determine the rent cost and can be in effect until contract rents for units in the project are adjusted. The amounts of the monthly contract rents are in accordance with HUD requirements by using the Operating Cost Allocation Factor (OCAF). The Renewal Contract is a Housing Assistance Payments contract (HAP) between the Public Housing Authority and the owner of the project.
To view the full notice in the Federal Register, click here.



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