
NAHMA HUD Update: REAC implements NSPIRE Demonstration Resident Engagement Initiative; HUD announces Landlord Participation Webinar Series

Two updates from HUD regarding resident engagement in REAC and webinars on the HCV program.

1.       REAC Set to Implement New Resident Engagement Recommendations
Throughout the development of NSPIRE, HUD has met with key resident stakeholders to discuss ways in which the department can improve collaboration and resident engagement in the inspection process. As a result of the recommendations and feedback received, HUD has decided to incorporate two new procedures into the NSPIRE Demonstration. For more information, please view HUD's announcement or view NAHMA's webpage on emerging REAC issues.

2.       HUD Launches Landlord Participation Webinar Series
Recently, HUD announced a series of webinars on the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program. The first webinar in this series will review information gathered during the recent HCV Landlord Listening Forums and PHA focus groups. The information in this webinar will set the stage for the subsequent webinars, which will introduce new resources focused on improving landlord participation in the HCV program.

The free webinar will take place on January 29th from 1-2:30pm. To register and for more information, please view the attached factsheet from HUD.

Juliana Bilowich, Manager of Government Affairs
National Affordable Housing Management Association
400 N. Columbus St., Suite 203, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone 703-683-8630, ext.116 Email, Website
NAHMA is the leading voice for affordable housing management, advocating on behalf of multifamily property managers and owners whose mission is to provide quality affordable housing.



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