
Reminder of Procedures in the Event of Resident Displacement and/or Property Damage

HUD wants to remind you of the procedures and tools available for owners and residents impacted by disasters.  
This information will make post-recovery efforts go more smoothly if an event occurs that impacts your residents and/or your property.
A website has been established with information and guidance in the event of a storm event or disaster.   The website, Multifamily Housing Guidance for Disaster Recovery, can be accessed at:  For your convenience, Chapter 38: Multifamily Emergency/Disaster Guidance, from HUD Handbook 4350.1 is attached to this communication.  HUD encourages you to review this material before an event occurs.
Following an event that impacts residents and/or properties, HUD has reporting obligations based on information staff obtains from Owners and Management Agents of HUD insured and/or assisted properties.  Owners and Management Agents are obligated to always immediately report physical damage to a property interior or exterior that has resulted from a fire, flood, wind, severe cold, or other natural disaster or weather event.  It is most convenient for all parties if Owners and Agents proactively report to HUD.  Owners are encouraged to complete and forward damage assessments to HUD.

Click here to read the full notice (AL, FL, GA, NC, SC, TN)




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