
RHIIP Listserv Posting #431 - Reminder: Application Deadline for Technical Assistance October 8 for Family Self-Sufficiency Program

Reminder: Application Deadline for Technical Assistance October 8 for Family Self-Sufficiency Program

Reminder: Application Deadline for Technical Assistance October 8 for Family Self-Sufficiency Program
As announced in RHIIP Listserv Posting #428, HUD is offering hands-on group learning and individualized technical assistance (TA) to our multifamily assisted housing owners and management agents to help them implement a Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program. This message serves as a reminder of the October 8, 2019 application deadline. The application and the selection process can be found here. Also available are helpful FAQs
Eligible applicants are owners and management agents that operate HUD-assisted multifamily housing designated for families. Owners and management agents selected for the TA will receive a combination of group and individual training and support over nine months, December 2019 through August 2020. 
The TA will include coaching, education, and hands-on guidance from an expert in FSS program implementation. Additionally, the TA will help housing providers successfully develop the program framework, access needed resources, and launch their FSS programs. For questions regarding the TA or the application process, email us or call 202-402-2487.
View the September 25 FSS technical assistance webinar, along with a transcript and PowerPoint slides, here.



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