
NAHMA HUD Update: TRACS Notification of System Upgrade Over the Weekend; Notification of Transaction File Rollover

TRACS Notification of System Upgrade Over the Weekend; Notification of Transaction File Rollover
1. TRACS Notification of System Release/Upgrade Over the Weekend 
Due to a system upgrade/maintenance, the Tenant Rental Assistance Certification Systems (TRACS) will be unavailable: 

• Off-line: 7:30 PM EST, Friday, September 6, 2019 
• On-Line: 12:00 PM EST, Sunday, September 8, 2019 

The Multifamily Housing Programs industry notification is located at: 

2. TRACS Notification of System Rollover 

Large Volume of Transaction Cause Nightly Production Rollover 
TRACS mainframe is experiencing an unusually large volume of transactions (nearly 1,000,000 k) for overnight mainframe processing. This large volume of transactions cannot be processed within the normal nightly production cycle; thus, any TRACS transactions that cannot be processed during the normal nightly production process are being rolled over to the next TRACS nightly production cycle. 

Users Experiencing Delays in Transaction Processing 
If you have not received a rejection error from the nightly batch process, please do not resubmit the data and/or transaction files. HUD is monitoring the roll-over, and will determine the next steps if this significant increase of data continues. 

Multifamily Housing Help Desk 
We apologize for any inconvenience that might be caused and sincerely thank you for your support and understanding which will assist in making the system resolution process as smooth as possible. TRACS users experiencing technical issues during the system upgrade will be able to reach a Help Desk Analyst during normal business hours or you can leave a voicemail requesting technical assistance: 

Monday through Friday - 7:00 AM EST to 8:00 PM EST 
1-888-297-8689 option 5 
1-202-217-2008 FAX Number 
Email: Help Desk Hotline at 

Juliana Bilowich, Manager of Government Affairs 
National Affordable Housing Management Association 
400 N. Columbus St., Suite 203, Alexandria, VA 22314 
Phone 703-683-8630, ext.116 
Email, Website 
NAHMA is the leading voice for affordable housing management, advocating on behalf of multifamily property managers and owners whose mission is to provide quality affordable housing.



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