RADblast! HUD Announces New RAD Rent Levels for 2019 and RAD Application Goes Online
New RAD Rents for 2019 - After implementing the RAD Public Housing cap increase to 455,000 units in July 2018, HUD announced that RAD rent levels will be based on final FY 2018 public housing funding levels for any award issued on or after January 1, 2019.
These 2018 RAD rents are now available. HUD will utilize these amounts for any new awards issued starting in 2019. In addition, current awardees may request to update rents in their existing CHAPs. Please see the attached FAQ for additional information on the process of revising the rent for existing CHAPs. Streamlined RAD Application Now Web-Based In May 2018, we announced a new streamlined and easier to use RAD application for public housing conversions. We are pleased to announce that this new application is now fully online in a web-based form. Applicants no longer need to complete an Excel-based application. HUD anticipates this change will make the application process simpler for PHAs and streamline HUD's application review process. Remember that before you submit your application, you must issue RAD Information Notices (RINs) to residents, hold at least two resident meetings, and secure board approval. |
Thanks! -The RAD Team |
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