
NAHMA HUD Update: CNA e-Tool: Release 2.3.2 launches on October 15; Webinar on Release 2.3; Updated Known Issues and Solutions; and Updated Usage Statistics

Below, please find information from HUD regarding the CNA e-Tool release 2.3.2 and related updates. For more information, please click here.

The latest edition announces the launch of Release 2.3.2; Webinar on Release 2.3; Updated Known Issues and Solutions; and Updated Usage Statistics
  1. System Release 2.3.2 Now Available
CNA e-Tool Release 2.3.2 will be operational as of October 15, 2018.  In response to industry feedback, the calculations of remaining useful life (RUL) are no longer based on current year; all RUL and current age calculations are now based on the “Date of Site Visit” within the Assessment Tool.  Additionally, the new release makes several improvements to such features as the non-critical repair needs panel and the annual deposit values for the snapshot report.
During installation of Release 2.3.2, the CNA e-Tool will be unavailable during from 8 p.m. EDT on Friday, October 12, through midnight Sunday, October 14.
  1. New Training Webinar Posted
A new Virtual Classroom Webinar and slide deck describing changes in the CNA e-Tool Release 2.3 and the Assessment Tool 1.2 v7 is now available and can be found here.
  1. An updated Known Issues and Solutions has been posted.  The document explains common CNA e-Tool user errors and solutions with updates that correspond with CNA e-Tool Release 2.3.2 and particularly in this edition, changes to Section 3.4 describing the altered use of the “Date of Site Visit” entry in the Assessment Tool and corresponding changes to dating of CNAs and Financial Schedules.
4.                   Updated CNA e-Tool Usage Statistics
755 FHA applications have been submitted using the CNA e-Tool as of September 28, 2018.
• 424 applications have been approved
• 191 are currently under active review
• 10 are ready for decision
• 96 have been returned for revision
• 34 have been submitted and still need to be assigned

Submission by month statistics as of September 28, 2018:

Please direct questions to the AAQ form.
For user access issues, please email
This bulletin and subsequent updates can be found here.

Juliana Bilowich, Manager of Government Affairs
National Affordable Housing Management Association
400 N. Columbus St., Suite 203, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone 703-683-8630, ext.116 Email, Website
NAHMA is the leading voice for affordable housing management, advocating on behalf of multifamily property managers and owners whose mission is to provide quality affordable housing.



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