
HUD Published PIH 25-04: Federal Financial Report – Standard Form 425

This notice provides updated information to Indian tribes, tribally designated housing entities, and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands on the
reporting requirements for the Federal Financial Report - Standard Form 425. This notice supersedes PIH Notice 2022-15, as well as any conflicting guidance with respect to SF-425 forms in all applicable program Notices and applicable program NOFOs. 
Special Attention of:
Administrators, Offices of Native American
Programs; and Tribes; Tribally
Designated Housing Entities                                                  

                                                                                                     Notice PIH 2025-04

Issued: January 16, 2025

Expires: This notice remains in effect until amended, superseded, or rescinded 

Cross References:
2 CFR part 200
24 CFR part 1000
24 CFR part 1003
24 CFR part 1006
83 FR 23710 (5/22/2018)
Notice PIH-2019-16
Notice 2023-26


SUBJECT: Federal Financial Report – Standard Form 425

1. Purpose
This notice provides updated information to Indian tribes, tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs), and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) on the reporting requirements for the Federal Financial Report - Standard Form 425 (SF-425). This notice supersedes PIH Notice 2022-15, as well as any conflicting guidance with respect to SF-425 forms in all applicable program Notices and applicable program NOFOs. 

Click here to read full notice



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