HUD Published PIH 25-06: Build America, Buy America Implementation Guidance for the Public Housing Program
- By: admin
- On: 01/16/2025 08:59:24
- In: HUD Notices
This Notice provides information about the “Buy America preference” requirement created by the Build America, Buy America Act and its impact on programs administered by the Office of Public and Indian Housing.
Special Attention of: Office Directors of Public Housing; Regional Directors; Public Housing Agencies |
Notice PIH 2025-06 Issued: January 16, 2025 Expires: Sections 70901-52 of Pub. L. No. 117-58 Cross References: PIH-2021-07 (HA) and H-2016-17/PIH 2016- 17 Supersedes: PIH Notice 2024-01 |
1. Purpose
This Notice supersedes PIH Notice 2024-01 and clarifies the guidance provided in PIH Notice 2024-01 to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) by providing them with information about the “Buy America preference” (BAP) requirement created by the Build America, Buy America Act (BABA) and its impact on programs administered by the Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH). This Notice also provides a timeline for the application of the BAP and highlights issues that PHAs may want to consider as HUD transitions to full implementation of the BAP. This notice addresses a number of issues not addressed in PIH Notice 2024-01 and also clarifies some of the previously provided guidance. The new issues/clarifications addressed include
clarification of what constitutes private housing that is not subject to BABA, that this Notice applies to the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative grant program, and guidance on how BABA applies to the Moving to Work Demonstration as well as other clarifications.
Click here to read full notice