
HUD Published HUD Notice 25-01 and PIH 25-03 Notices: Rental Assistance Demonstration – Supplemental Notice 4C

This Supplemental Notice amends Notice H-2019-09 PIH-2019-23(HA) to implement certain changes to the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) authorized under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Appropriations Act as well as other changes. 
Special Attention of:
Public Housing Agencies
Public Housing Hub Office Directors
Public Housing Program Center Directors
Multifamily Regional Center Directors
Multifamily Regional Satellite Office Directors
Regional and Field Office Directors
Regional Administrators
Performance Based Contract Administrators                                                                                                                                                           

                                                                                                                                                           Notice H 2025-01
Notice PIH 2025-03 (HA)

Issued: January 16, 2025

Expires: This Notice is in effect until amended, suspended, or rescinded. 

Amends: H-2019-09/PIH2019-23 as amended by H2023-18/PIH-2023-19

Cross References:
(HA) and H-2016-17/PIH 2016-


SUBJECT: IHBG Determining and Using Program Income Under NAHASDA Program Income

1. Purpose
This Supplemental Notice amends Notice H-2019-09 PIH-2019-23(HA) to implement certain changes to the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) authorized under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Appropriations Act as well as other changes. 

Click here to read full notice



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