
HUD Published Housing Notice 24-10: Environmental Reporting Requirements for Covered Transactions

This notice provides guidance on the Multifamily Housing environmental report process and required Owner environmental review submissions for five specific transactions. 
Special Attention of:
All Multifamily Regional Center Directors
All Multifamily Satellite Office Directors
All Multifamily Asset Management Division Directors
All Multifamily Operations Officers
All Multifamily Field Counsel
All Contract Administrators
All Multifamily Project Owners                                                                                           

                                                                                                                     Notice: H 2024–10 

Issued: 12/17/2024  

Expires: This notice remains in effect until amended, superseded or rescinded.

Cross References: 
CPD Notice 2016–02
Notice H 2015–03
Multifamily Accelerated Processing
Guide (MAP Guide)
Section 8 Renewal Policy Guidebook


SUBJECT: Environmental Reporting Requirements for Covered Transactions?  

1. Purpose
This Notice provides guidance on the Multifamily Housing (MFH) environmental report process and required Owner environmental review submissions for the following five transactions, which shall be referred to throughout this Notice as the “covered transactions”:
A. Section 8(bb) Transfers of Budget Authority (“Section 8(bb) Transfers”);
B. Transfers of Rental Assistance with HUD Held or Insured Debt and/or Use
Restrictions (“Section 209 Transfers”);
C. Transfers of RAD PBRA Rental Assistance (“RAD Transfers”);
D. Demolition and New Construction of RAD PBRA Covered Projects PostConversion (“RAD Demolition and New Construction”); and
E. Section 8 Renewals with Capital Repair (“Chapter 15 Renewals”).

Additionally, this Notice affirms that owners must submit all environmental report documentation for the covered transactions through the HUD Environmental Review Online System (HEROS), superseding all references to HUD–4128–OHF or to the HEROS partner worksheets.

Click here to read full notice



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