U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Leads U.S. Delegation at the United Nations Environment Session in Thailand
BANGKOK - Today, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (PDAS) for the Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) Marion McFadden and HUD officials represented the United States at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Eighth Session of the Committee on Environment and Development (CED8) in Bangkok, Thailand. PDAS McFadden attended today's session as part of the U.S. delegation, underscoring the Biden-Harris Administration's commitment to using every tool available to lower housing costs for Americans and build more safe, resilient and affordable homes of the future.
“I could not be prouder to have represented the United States given the extraordinary sustainability and resilience work happening in communities nationwide and to collaborate with our international partners on best practices and strategies to build and preserve sustainable and affordable housing for generations to come,” said PDAS Marion McFadden. “I leave here inspired by our shared commitment to prioritize climate resilient housing strategies around the world and remain committed to fostering creative and solutions-based dialogue with our partners moving forward.”
ESCAP is the most inclusive intergovernmental platform in the Asia-Pacific region. The Commission promotes cooperation among its 53 member States and 9 associate members in pursuit of solutions to sustainable development challenges. Within ESCAP, the Committee on Environment and Development (CED) is an intergovernmental body and is convened every two years to review regional trends, identify priorities for action, promote dialogue, and promote a collaborative approach to addressing the development challenges. The focus of this year's CED8 was sustainable urbanization.
HUD has previously represented the United States at ESCAP. HUD leaders continued the conversation by sharing best practices and lessons learned. In bi-lateral meetings with ministerial counterparts from other countries, HUD leaders reinforced international partnerships that allow for continued exchange of ideas and approaches that can help inform improving the efficiency and effectiveness of HUD programs. HUD will support working relations with partners by closely following the activities of the UN system and other international organizations in housing and urban development.
To learn more about HUD's work to provide safe, affordable, and quality housing, please visit To learn more about CPD specific programs, visit