
HUD Publishes PIH Notice 24-34: Updated and Consolidated Policy Guidance on Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program Payment Standards

This Notice provides consolidated and comprehensive guidance to public housing agencies on payment standards that incorporates recent regulatory and policy guidance.
Special Attention of:
Office Directors of Public Housing;                                 Regional Directors; Public Housing

                                                                                                                      Notice PIH 2024-34

Issued: September 30, 2024

Expires: This notice remains in effect until amended, superseded or rescinded.

Supersedes: Notice PIH 2018-01 (HA)

Cross References: Notice PIH 2023-32, 88 FR
73352, 81 FR 80567, Notice PIH 2013-18 


SUBJECT: Updated and Consolidated Policy Guidance on Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program Payment Standards

1. Purpose
This Notice provides consolidated and comprehensive guidance to public housing agencies (PHAs) on payment standards that incorporate recent regulatory and policy guidance. While this Notice discusses regulatory changes implemented through the “Housing Opportunity Through Modernization (HOTMA) Act of 2016—Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and ProjectBased Voucher (PBV) Implementation; Additional Streamlining Changes” (FR-6092-F-03), it also covers regulations that were not changed, and other policy guidance previously issued that remains in effect. As a result, this Notice consolidates guidance for PHAs on payment standards. 

Click here to read full notice



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