
RADBlast! Valley Street Opens to Families in New Haven, New Property-Level Data on Mod Rehab Projects, New RAD Public Housing Office Hours and more!

In this Issue of the RADBlast!: Valley Street Opens to Families in New Haven; New Property-Level Data on Moderate Rehabilitation and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Projects.....
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Valley Street Opens to Families in New Haven

Valley Street in New Haven, CT - Exterior of the Building

Valley Street (Exterior)

On June 28, the Housing Authority of the City of New Haven and their development partners held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of Valley Street Townhomes.  32 new affordable townhomes and a community center were created through the demolition and redevelopment of public housing, formerly known as Waverly Townhouses. The extensive project was financed through a new loan leveraged by 9% tax credits, state, local, and federal funds. Valley Street was developed using passive house principles — the buildings are airtight, insulated, and have high-quality ventilation, allowing them to meet an energy-efficient net-zero standard. The opening of these homes marked the completion of a two-phase development plan that has resulted in the preservation of 110 affordable homes in the New Haven community.

Valley Street in New Haven, CT - Kitchen and Playground

Valley Street New Kitchen and Playground

New Property-Level Data on Moderate Rehabilitation and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Projects  

The Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) and Mod Rehab Single Room Occupancy (SRO) programs provide project-based rental assistance for low-income families across nearly 17,000 units covered under 500 active contracts. Through RAD, Owners can preserve and recapitalize these projects for the long term by entering into long-term Section 8 contracts with rents based on market rent levels. 

New data is available on Mod Rehab and SRO properties, including addresses, owner info, and the PHAs that administer these contracts. While the data reflected in this report is based on a point-in-time survey and is not actively updated, it reflects the first full census of these contracts available to the public.

For more information on RAD for Multifamily visit our webpage or contact

New RAD Public Housing Conversion Office Hours Starting in September 2024

As more public housing authorities have expressed interest in using RAD or RAD/Section 18 Blends to recapitalize their public housing properties, we wanted to make sure PHAs can access program experts to discuss their plans and get advice and feedback early in the planning process. In addition to reaching out directly to, housing authorities and their partners can now join us for monthly, open office hours to ask questions.  

The first office hour will be held on Tuesday, September 10th at 1:00 – 1:30 pm ET. Look up the date and time of future office hours here. Office hours is open to all. No registration is required so feel free to join at any time by accessing this Teams link.  We hope to see you there!

Join RAD Office Hours

Resident Training in Eastchester, New York

RAD Resident Training in Eastchester, NY

HUD Staff with NYCHA Residents

RAD Resident Training in Eastchester, New York

On Monday May 13th, the Resident Engagement and Protections team traveled to the New York City neighborhood of Eastchester to meet with residents, community leaders, NYCHA staff, and advocates. HUD staff provided comprehensive in-person training on RAD resident rights as well as an onsite office hour at the recently renovated community room. The productive training and meetings led to collaborative discussions on program rules and best practices. Residents can learn more about the opportunities to improve their communities through RAD by accessing this website. Residents interested in training should contact us at We look forward to further in-person, on-the-ground engagement like this in other communities!

Thank you, 
The RAD Team




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