FFRMS Final Rule Webinar Series: Part 200 Overview, Protection of Wetlands, Flood Insurance, and Notifications
This webinar series covers HUD's new Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) Final Rule, published on April 23, 2024, which modifies HUD's floodplain management?regulations to better address flood?risk. The first session of the series provides background on FFRMS and comprehensive guidance on changes made to 24 CFR Part 55, including HUD's FFRMS approach, limitations on HUD assistance in floodplains, exceptions to the Rule, and the eight-step decision-making process. The second session of the series expands on changes made to 24 CFR Part 55, including protection of wetlands, flood insurance, notification of flood hazards, public posting, and categorical exclusion as well as provides guidance on changes made to 24 CFR Part 200: Minimum Property Standards. Both presentations will be followed by a Q&A.
- Learn how to implement and comply with the new 24 CFR Part 55 and Part 200
- Understand how the FFRMS Floodplain is defined and other new terminology
- Hear examples from the field of how changes to the new Final Rule will affect the environmental review process
This webinar series is intended for HUD grantees, recipients, applicants, and associated stakeholders. Part two of the series is also intended for these stakeholders along with applicants of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) single family programs covered under 24 CFR Part 200.