
RADBlast! First RAD Conversion of a Recently Developed Section 202 Capital Advance Property, Resident Engagement Engagement Office Hours and more!

In this Issue of the RADBlast!: Highlandtown Plaza Co-op - First Direct RAD Conversion of a Recently Developed Section 202 Capital Advance Property
Housing Information Portal (HIP) System Implementation – Minor Impacts on RAD/Section 18 Construction Blends....

Highlandtown Plaza Co-op - First Direct RAD Conversion of a Recently Developed Section 202 Capital Advance Property

Highland Place Co-Op

Non-profit developers receiving an award under HUD's Section 202 Capital Advance program may anticipate converting the Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC), which is placed on the property following construction completion, to a project-based Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract through RAD.

In March, HUD completed its first direct RAD conversion of a property recently developed with Section 202 Capital Advance funds. Located in the vibrant city of Baltimore, Maryland, “Highlandtown Plaza Co-op" provides 81 homes for seniors. Residents enjoy easy access to retail and the John Booth senior center and library, among other conveniences, so that they are better able to age in place. Highlandtown Plaza Co-op had been awarded a $1.1M Section 202 Capital Advance grant to add 7 new Section 202 units to an existing aging property with 74 homes. The building was originally an old trolley car barn that was repurposed into cooperatively managed senior housing that has served the community since 1996, but was in need of major repairs. In addition to the HUD Capital Advance award, construction for renovations were financed through a combination of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Equity funding, soft debt, a Freddie Mac tax-exempt permanent loan, and other sources.

HUD's next Section 202 Capital Advance NOFO closes on June 20, 2024.

Highlandtown Plaza Co-Op 2

Housing Information Portal (HIP) System Implementation – Minor Impacts on RAD/Section 18 Construction Blends

Over the coming months, HUD will be replacing IMS/PIC with the Housing Information Portal (HIP), which will capture information on the physical inventory of Public Housing buildings and units. HUD recently issued a Notice to provide PHAs and their vendors with transition instructions.  Importantly, after July 1, 2024, PHAs will not be able to submit the form HUD-52860 Inventory Removals Application and supporting documents in IMS/PIC, including applications under Section 18 Demolition or Disposition or Section 22 Streamlined Voluntary Conversion. If an inventory removal application has to be submitted during the period between July 2, 2024, and the HIP “Opening Date,” PHAs should consult with their local field office.  Further instruction is provided in Notice PIH 2024-12.

Applications for RAD conversions, including RAD & Section 18 Blends, are unaffected by this transition. PHAs can continue to apply though the RAD Resource Desk. Inventory removal inquiries related to the RAD for Public Housing or Faircloth-to-RAD should also be directed to

Office of Recapitalization to Host Office Hours on Resident Engagement Requirements

To assist the public in understanding the rights of residents impacted by RAD conversions, the Office of Recapitalization's Resident Engagement and Protections Team will be hosting Office Hours on May 20, 2024, at 2 pm EDT.  These office hours will be open to the public and attendees will be able to ask the Resident Engagement and Protections Team their questions about the RAD resident engagement process and provide feedback on future training topics. To sign up and join us for the office hours, please register here. If you have any questions, please contact us at Please note that the office hours begin at 2 pm EDT and will conclude when there are no remaining questions.

Register Today! Federal Flood Risk Management (FFRMS) Final Rule Webinar Series: Part 55 Overview and Compliance

HUD recently published a new Federal Flood Risk Management (FFRMS) Final Rule, which modifies HUD's floodplain management regulations to better address flood risk. The publication of the FFRMS rule aligns and replaces the RAD Supplemental Notice related to flood concerns. Instead, owners are to design new construction and substantial rehabilitation buildings consistent with FFRMS provisions addressing mechanicals, residential units, and non-resident space.

On May 30, 2024, at 1:30 PM EDT, HUD is kicking off the first session in a webinar series on the rule. Register now to learn the following:

  • Learn how to implement and comply with the new 24 CFR Part 55 and Part 200
  • Understand how the FFRMS Floodplain is defined and other new terminology
  • Hear examples from the field of how changes to the new Final Rule will affect the environmental review process

You must have a HUD Exchange account to register. Follow these instructions for registering.

Thank you, 
The RAD Team



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