
HUD Publishes PIH 2024-08: Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Model Activity Requests

The purpose of this Notice is to provide IHBG formula recipients with updated information on the process to follow when requesting approval for IHBG model activities. This Notice replaces Program Guidance 2013-09 (R).
Special Attention of:
Public Housing Agencies
Public Housing Hub Directors
Public Housing Program Center Directors
Regional and Field Office Directors                   
Resident Management Corporations                                                                                                                                                                        

                                                                                                                      Notice PIH 2024-08

Issued: April 8, 2024

Expires: This Notice remains in effect until
amended, rescinded, or superseded.

Supersedes: ONAP Program Guidance 2013-

Cross References:
NAHASDA, ONAP Program Guidance 2018-02a 
(Guidance for Completing the Indian Housing Plan/
Annual Performance Report (form HUD52737)), and
2018-02 Attachment Indian Housing Plan and Annual
Performance Report Form Guidance, ONAP GEMS Grantee User Guide, ONAP Program Guidance 2020-02 Useful Life and Binding Commitments 


SUBJECT: Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Model Activity Requests

I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Notice is to provide IHBG formula recipients with updated information on the process to follow when requesting approval for IHBG model activities. This Notice replaces Program Guidance 2013-09 (R). 

II. BACKGROUND: Section 202(6) of the Native American Housing Assistance and SelfDetermination Act (NAHASDA), 25 USC §4132(6), enables recipients to undertake model activities if they are designed to carry out the purposes of NAHASDA. These model activities are housing activities not explicitly listed elsewhere in Section 202 of the statute.

Model activities must be approved by HUD prior to being carried out by the recipient. All model activities must benefit affordable housing residents, including families residing in housing units developed under the United States Housing Act of 1937, families receiving NAHASDA assistance for affordable housing, eligible families applying for NAHASDA assistance, and other housing units which meet the requirements of Title II of NAHASDA.

HUD will review all proposals with the goal of approving the activities, and encouraging the flexibility, discretion, and self-determination granted to Indian tribes under NAHASDA to formulate and operate innovative housing programs that meet the intent of NAHASDA (24 CFR §1000.112).

Click here to read full notice



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