RADBlast! Congress Approves Changes to the RAD Statute, Managing Multifamily Properties and more!
In this Issue of the RADBlast!: Congress Approves Changes to the RAD Statute; Feedback Requested on the Impact of the Build America, Buy America Act; Managing HUD Multifamily Properties: Back-to-Basic Video Series; RAD Resident Fact Sheets Now Available in Eight Languages...
Congress Approves Changes to the RAD Statute
The recently passed FY2024 Appropriations Act funding HUD and other agencies adopted certain RAD improvements, including:
- Extending the September 30, 2024, sunset date, by which public housing authorities (PHAs) can apply for RAD through September 30, 2029. This change will give PHAs more time to carry out the necessary and important resident engagement activities prior to applying for RAD and allow PHAs pursuing large scale, multi-year redevelopment of public housing properties to keep their commitments to their communities. As always, PHAs can submit an application to reserve RAD conversion authority through the RAD Resource Desk. The latest RAD rents can be accessed here.
- Allowing for the continued availability of services for residents following a public housing conversion to project based rental assistance (PBRA) or project based vouchers (PBV) under RAD. This change will guarantee that resident services funding under the Jobs Plus, Resident Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (ROSS), and Congregate Housing Services Program (CHSP) programs awarded to public housing properties prior to conversion, may continue to operate fully and, as appropriate, be eligible for renewal at the completion of the grant term.
- Simplifying the execution of RAD/Section 18 Blends and ensuring that all units are fully covered under the RAD protections. The change authorizes the conversion into RAD PBRA or PBV contracts of the budget authority associated with Tenant Protection Vouchers (TPV) authorized following a Section 18 approval. The authority also permits previously converted properties that have both a PBV and a PBRA contract to combine those contracts onto the PBRA platform.
- Authorizing the budget-neutral conversion for properties assisted under Senior Preservation Rental Assistance Contracts (SPRACs). This will permit SPRAC properties to fully operate under standard Section 8 requirements.
HUD will develop implementation guidance for each of these changes and anticipates publishing a Notice covering the first three items this year.
Feedback Requested on the Impact of the Build America, Buy America Act
The Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act requires infrastructure projects funded with certain federal dollars to follow a domestic content procurement preference. This applies to all iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in the project, and specifies that the products and materials must have been produced in the United States. BABA is intended to bolster America's industrial base, protect national security, and support high-paying jobs. In February 2024, HUD published a Request for Information seeking public input on the implementation of BABA, and the impact of compliance with BABA on HUD-assisted housing programs, particularly on the availability of materials and associated cost implications. RFI comments are due April 15, 2024.
You can find more details about BABA and its applicability to different HUD programs at https://www.hud.gov/baba.
Managing HUD Multifamily Properties: Back-to-Basic Video Series
Owners and management agents of project based rental assistance properties that have converted or will soon be converting through RAD have a new training resource available. The “back-to-basics" video series provides an overview and describes the roles and responsibilities entrusted to project owners and their management agents when owning and operating a HUD-insured or HUD-assisted property. These videos also address expectations regarding the managerial, financial, physical, and regulatory aspects of owning and operating a HUD-assisted or HUD-insured property.
RAD Resident Fact Sheets Now Available in Eight Languages
Previously available in English and Spanish, the RAD Resident Fact Sheets are now available in Korean, Vietnamese, French, Haitian Creole, Chinese, and Russian. The fact sheets are intended for residents of public housing properties that are participating in RAD and provide program information on specific topics of interest such as the RAD conversion process, resident organizing and funding, resident engagement and consultation, and many more.
PRACtical RAD Webinar Series: Closing Process
HUD just released the latest in the “PRACtical RAD” video series that provides guidance to owners of Section 202 Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC) properties seeking to convert their rental assistance to the Section 8 platform through RAD. The latest video, PRACtical RAD: Closing Process, is intended to help 202 PRAC owners understand what triggers the closing process, how closing timelines are established, who coordinates the closing process and best practices.
This is the 7th release in the PRACtical RAD series. Other videos include an overview of RAD, conversion milestones, Capital Needs Assessments, supportive services, environmental reviews, and financial strategies.
Access "PRACtical RAD Closing Process" above.
Resident Training Conducted with the District of Columbia Housing Authority
On January 29th and February 7th, the Office of Recapitalization's Resident Engagement and Protections Team held RAD-focused trainings for residents of the District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA), informed by feedback from residents, advocates, and the PHA. This training was the second in-person training in a new series of RAD resident-focused outreach. Held at HUD's headquarters, the team was joined by colleagues in the Office of Public and Indian Housing, along with residents who joined both in-person and virtually. Topics covered included RAD 101, housing rules & resident rights and responsibilities, tenant organizing rights post conversion, choice mobility, family self-sufficiency and resident opportunities and self-sufficiency post conversion, and resident engagement and relocation.
If you are interested in HUD support for a training for residents in your community, please contact rad@hud.gov.