HUD Publishes PIH 2024-05: Registration of interest for special administrative fees for development of a housing mobility-related services plan (HMRP) under PIH Notice 2023-07...
- By: admin
- On: 02/02/2024 11:07:37
- In: PIH Notices
To further support the expansion of comprehensive housing mobility programs, Section 6(c)(D)(viii) of PIH Notice 2023-07, “Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2023 Funding Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Program” ...
Special Attention of: Public Housing Agencies Public Housing Hub Directors Public Housing Program Center Directors Regional and Field Office Directors Resident Management Corporations |
Notice 2024-05 Issued: February 2, 2024 Expires: This notice remains in effect until amended, superseded, or rescinded. Cross References: Notices: PIH 2023-07 and PIH Notice 2022-18 |
SUBJECT: Registration of interest for special administrative fees for development of a housing mobility-related services plan (HMRP) under PIH Notice 2023-07: Implementation of Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2023 Funding Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Program
I. Background
..... To further support the expansion of comprehensive housing mobility programs, Section 6(c)(D)(viii) of PIH Notice 2023-07, “Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2023 Funding Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Program” provided that HUD would issue a notice describing how Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) administering tenant-based Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs) may apply for special administrative fees to support development of housing mobility-related services plans (HMRP). This notice implements that provision.
This notice describes the following:
- Planning requirements and uses of special administrative fees
- Financial reporting requirements
- Eligibility criteria
- Registration of interest submission requirements
- Award process