NAHMA GRASSROOTS ALERT: Please Urge Congress to Fund HUD and USDA-RHS for FY2024; Increase LIHTC in any Tax Legislation
- By: admin
- On: 01/10/2024 14:47:18
- In: NAHMA News
Please take a moment to email your Members of Congress to ensure affordable housing and rental assistance programs receive critical funding.
Congress recently returned from their holiday break and now must complete a important legislative work that impacts the affordable housing industry, including preventing a government shutdown, beginning as soon as Jan. 19th for HUD and USDA. Right now, this is a critical moment to remind Lawmakers on the importance the work you and your staffs provide to residents, properties, and in communities around the country.At this moment, Congress is racing to provide annual funding (known annual appropriations) for federal agencies (HUD and USDA) to keep their programs operating until Sept. 30, 2024 (Fiscal year 2024) and working on tax changes. This is an opportunity to advocate for increased funding in affordable housing and rental assistance programs. It is imperative NAHMA members convey the need for affordable housing and rental assistance, and help lawmakers understand the vital role these programs have in their communities. Please contact your lawmakers and tell them to:
- Urge your lawmakers to fully fund housing and community development programs for fiscal year 2024 that support and protect hard-working families, low-income seniors, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable communities. Enter your address to contact your U.S. Senator(s) and Representative (s), utilizing this free tool:!/
- Please enter your address and your lawmakers will be generated.
- Subject: Support Funding for Critical Affordable Housing and Rental Assistance Programs
- Message to copy and paste: NAHMA members are providing critical affordable housing and working to improve the lives of our residents every day. Before the Jan. 19th deadline, we urge lawmakers to fully fund both HUD and USDA. Please provide full-year funding for essential housing assistance programs: Tenant-Based Rental Assistance, Project-Based Rental Assistance (Sec. 202 and Sec. 811) and for the Rural Rental Assistance Programs (Sec. 515, Sec. 521, and Sec.542); and provide full-year funding to key programs for the preservation and development of affordable housing: HOME program, the Housing Trust Fund, Sec. 538, and the Multifamily Rural Preservation and Revitalization (MPR) program.
- At the end, Select one of the following Topics: “Housing”, “Housing and Community Development”, or “Banking and Financial Services”.
- Enter your contact information and Send!
- Expand the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) in any tax legislation. Ask your lawmakers to support passage of the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (S. 1557 / H.R. 3238) to enhance and expand LIHTC. Please utilize this ACTION Campaign Advocacy Resource (click Advocate Now) to join a national sign-on and send a message to your Representatives and Senators today and ask them to reach out to congressional and the tax-writing committee leadership in support of the Housing Credit! You will be asked to enter your address and simply follow the few steps to send the message.
Now is the time to ask your lawmakers to provide increased funding for affordable housing and rental assistance programs, as well as LIHTC to reserve, rehabilitate, and create new affordable units!
NAHMA Government Affairs Team