Statement from HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge in Observance of World AIDS Day 2023
Marcia L. Fudge, the 18th Secretary of the U.S. Department of HUD issued a statement in observance of World AIDS Day 2023.
WASHINGTON – Today, Marcia L. Fudge, the 18th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued the following statement in observance of World AIDS Day 2023:
“Over the past 35 years, World AIDS Day has given us an opportunity to honor those who died due to AIDS-related illnesses and show our collective support for people across the world living with HIV. We have made a great deal of progress in our efforts to ensure people with HIV can live full, healthy lives free from discrimination. Medical advancements mean a positive diagnosis is not a death sentence. Increased awareness around HIV-related stigma has helped us identify and root out bias.”
“At HUD, we are working to end the HIV epidemic by ensuring people with AIDS can live with dignity. Our goal is to ensure that, through our policies and programs, we protect the housing rights of those living with HIV and ensure they can access safe, affordable housing that meets their needs. All of us at HUD join the world community in remembering those we have lost and committing to doing all it takes to end HIV/AIDS and HIV-related stigma.”
HUD has taken a number of actions to help those living with HIV/AIDS:
- HUD has awarded 20 grants under the Housing as an Intervention to Fight AIDS (HIFA) competitive grant. These awards, made by the Office of HIV/AIDS Housing, are funding housing assistance and supportive services for low-income people with HIV and their families, coordination and planning activities, and grants management/administration. Each HIFA project participates in a Technical Assistance initiative to identify promising and innovative practices that will be shared with broader provider networks.
- The HOPWA Housing Interventions (HINT) to End the HIV Epidemic Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), was recently released by HUD. The HINT NOFO announces the availability of $50 million in funding that will provide communities an opportunity to create and implement new projects that align with initiatives aimed at ending the HIV epidemic, and elevate housing as an effective structural intervention in ending the epidemic.
- HUD has partnered with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on a pilot program that provides CDC funding to youth in HUD-assisted housing programs to increase access to information regarding HIV, STI, and unplanned pregnancy prevention tools and resources.
- Seven communities participated in cohort work in the HOPWA Race, Gender, and LGBTQ+ Equity Initiative. Each community received training on Cultural Humility; two sessions on Equity; and Power Analysis and Liberated Gatekeeping. Members developed a Community Equity Assessment. Recruitment for the next cohort group is underway.
- The Office of HIV/AIDS Housing produced a series of webinars related to HIV & Aging to address the changing needs of those aging while living with HIV.
HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and
You can also connect with HUD on social media and follow Secretary Fudge on Twitter and Facebook or sign up for news alerts on HUD's Email List.
HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and
You can also connect with HUD on social media and follow Secretary Fudge on Twitter and Facebook or sign up for news alerts on HUD's Email List.