
RADBlast: HUD Publishes Notice Implementing 40k Cap Increase and New Resident Materials

On May 5, 2017, the FY 17 Appropriations Act amended the RAD statute, by increasing the cap of public housing units that can be converted from 185,000 units to 225,000 and extending the period for project applications until September 30, 2020.
On May 5, 2017, the FY 17 Appropriations Act amended the RAD statute, by increasing the cap of public housing units that can be converted from 185,000 units to 225,000 and extending the period for project applications until September 30, 2020. Today, HUD published a Notice in the Federal Register providing further information on the cap increase, including:

1)      For PHAs that have reserved their position on the waiting list by submitting a Letter of Interest and that were among the next 40,000 units on the waiting list, the publication of the Notice begins the 60 day clock for PHAs to submit a complete RAD Application, Portfolio Award request, or Multi-phase Award covering the units reserved in their Letter of Interest.

2)      All new awards made as a result of the cap increase and any subsequent awards will use rent levels based on a FY16 RAD rent base year. HUD has now published these 2016 RAD rents for every public housing project.

3)      For any Multi-phase Awards issued prior to May 5, 2017, HUD may approve extensions up toSeptember 30, 2020 on a case-by-case basis.

HUD has begun to issue CHAPs for the next 40,000 units on the waiting list where HUD has already received a completed application. HUD is sending individual messages to PHAs that have submitted Letters of Interest and who have been selected from the waiting list. In addition, HUD has published an updated waiting list where PHAs can identify their position.
Please note that after selecting the 40,000 units from the waiting list, a new waiting list of 48,708 has formed. As a result, PHAs who have not yet applied and are interested in RAD may submit Letters of Interest, in lieu of a RAD Application, in order to reserve their position on the waiting list.

HUD has also published a sample Resident Information Notice (RIN), which PHAs can use to provide basic information to residents about their proposed conversion. PHAs must provide a RIN to all residents of a Converting Project prior to the first of the two meetings that a PHA must have with residents before submitting a RAD Application. We hope this will be useful to PHAs who had submitted Letters of Interest and that have been selected from the waiting list to submit RAD Applications.

Finally, HUD has published revised RAD Resident Fact Sheets, which were designed to inform residents about important aspects of the RAD conversion process. We strongly recommend that PHAs provide these fact sheets to residents, regardless of what stage the PHA is in the conversion process.  
The RAD Team
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