Archive October 2024
All of the articles archived for the month that you have specified are displayed below.
HUD Announces $12 Million to Lower Housing Costs and Expand Access to Affordable Homeownership
Funding will allow local organizations to develop affordable housing and create homeownership opportunities for low-income Americans
HUD Announces $72 Million to Help End Youth Homelessness in America
Funding will support actions to end youth homelessness by expanding housing opportunities supportive services in 11 states
HUD and FHFA Expand Scope of Public Appraisal Data in Effort to Ensure Fairer Home Appraisals
Both agencies released a new suite of appraisal data – FHFA’s information on loan applications submitted to HUD’s Federal Housing Administration.
HUD Publishes Waitlist for GRRP Leading Edge Cohort
Yesterday, HUD published the waitlist for the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) Leading Edge cohort.
HUD Announces New Partnership with North Carolina Central University to Strengthen America’s Fair Housing Workforce
Partnership with North Carolina Central University’s School of Law will advance fair housing enforcement across America and develop the next-generation of policy and litigation leaders.
Listening Session Invitation for Solar, Cell Tower, and Rooftop Leases Notice
Multifamily Housing invites interested parties to join a virtual stakeholder listening session on Tuesday, October 29th from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST to share their feedback on the Solar, Cell Tower, and Other Rooftop Leases Notice.
Multifamily Clarifies Federal Flood Risk Management (FFRMS) Guidance
The Office of Multifamily Housing Programs posted additional guidance and response to stakeholder questions regarding the Federal Flood Risk Management Standards Rule.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Leads U.S. Delegation at the United Nations Environment Session in Thailand
HUD represented the United States in Committee meetings as a global leader in promoting affordable and resilient housing.
HUD Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Reaffirms Commitment to Safe and Affordable Housing for Survivors
- By: admin
- On: 10/17/2024 08:43:16
- In: Breaking News
ICYMI: HUD Expands Counseling Services to Help Families Access Quality, Affordable Homes
Department provides funding, flexibility, and new tools to expand housing counseling for prospective homebuyers and renters.