
Archive February 2023

All of the articles archived for the month that you have specified are displayed below.

HUD Awards More Than $794 Million for Affordable Housing Activities in Native American Communities

Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced more than $794 million in Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) formula funding for eligible Native American Tribes, Alaska Native Villages, and Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs) to carry out affordable housing activities in Tribal communities. Click here to see the list of nearly 600 grantees. >> Read All of HUD Awards More Than $794 Million for Affordable Housing Activities in Native American Communities

HUD Awards $5.6 Billion in Annual Grants for Affordable Housing, Community Development, and Homeless Assistance

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced $5.6 billion in funding will go to 1,200 communities through more than 2,400 grants to States, urban counties, insular areas, DC, Puerto Rico, and local organizations across the country. These annual formula grants provide critical funding for a wide range of activities including affordable housing, community development, and homeless assistance.
>> Read All of HUD Awards $5.6 Billion in Annual Grants for Affordable Housing, Community Development, and Homeless Assistance


HUD has published NSPIRE Opt-Out Frequently Asked Questions. The final rules for conducting NSPIRE inspections of record will be published before any NSPIRE inspections of record will be performed; however, these final rules will most likely not be published until after March 1, 2023, the deadline for making a decision.  >> Read All of NSPIRE Opt-Out FAQs

Intro Video for Public Housing Residents, RAD in Ypsilanti, MI, New Service Funding

The RADBlast! is an electronic communication sent to subscribers of our mailing list which includes, public housing agencies (PHAs), Multifamily owners, lenders, investors, and other development partners who are participants in the RAD program.


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EPA Announces Initial Program Design of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

Under the $7 billion Zero-Emissions Technology Fund Competition, EPA will award competitive grants to states, Tribes, municipalities, and eligible nonprofit entities to enable the deployment of residential rooftop solar, community solar and associated storage and upgrades in low-income and disadvantaged communities. This competition will ensure all families benefit from clean, affordable energy options. EPA expects to award up to 60 grants under this competition.


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Prepayment-Tenant Notification Stakeholder Listening Session on March 9, 2023 at 2:00 pm EDT

When owners of Section 515 and Section 514 Off-Farm Labor Housing properties apply for prepayment of their loans, Rural Housing Service Multifamily Housing staff communicates with current tenants of these properties, to share tenant rights and options within the prepayment process.  We are currently revising these communications and are seeking input from tenant advocates and other stakeholders with respect to what information tenants need and how to best communicate this information.


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HUD Awards Over $38 Million to Protect Families from Home Health and Safety Hazards

Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded over $38 million to city, county, and Native American tribal governments, and non-profit organizations in 17 states to protect children and families from home health hazards. HUD is providing these 23 grants through its?Healthy Homes Production Grant Program to identify and mitigate health and safety hazards in the homes of families of low-income.
>> Read All of HUD Awards Over $38 Million to Protect Families from Home Health and Safety Hazards

HUD Invites Local Governments to Request Thriving Communities Technical Assistance to Align Housing and Infrastructure Investments

Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) opened the portal for local governments to request technical assistance for its Thriving Communities technical assistance program. This funding will help local governments ensure housing needs are considered as part of their larger infrastructure investment plans, with a focus on disadvantaged communities.
>> Read All of HUD Invites Local Governments to Request Thriving Communities Technical Assistance to Align Housing and Infrastructure Investments

TRACS Release 203A System Requirements Sessions

This is an invite for the TRACS Industry Working Group sessions to finalize the Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS) specifications for The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) enacted on July 29, 2016. This draft final rule revises HUD regulations to implement Sections 102, 103, and 104 of HOTMA. These sections make sweeping changes to the United States Housing Act of 1937, particularly those affecting income calculation and reviews.The Office of Multifamily Housing Programs is soliciting your thoughts on the draft TRACS Release 203A specifications and HUD form changes; please bring any questions about the draft HOTMA Final Rule published on January 31, 2023: 


The first session will be on February 15, 2023, starting at 1:00 PM Eastern Time. Listed below is the URL to register for TRACS Release 203A system requirements sessions: 


TRACS Working Group Calls Registration Link 

TRACS External Users - Access/User Recertification/Security Awareness Training Requirements

HUD and contractor staff must complete the annual recertification of their Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS) or integrated Multifamily Access eXchange (iMAX) user accounts. Your supervisor, Office Technology Coordinator (OTC), or Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) (for contractors) must certify your current TRACS or iMAX access. Failure to complete the recertification process will remove access to TRACS or iMAX. >> Read All of TRACS External Users - Access/User Recertification/Security Awareness Training Requirements
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