Membership Application

Membership Options

Regular Members (voting) are owners & managing agents of multifamily affordable housing (for-profit, non-profit, Housing Authority, etc.) in the southeast. The applicant must be approved to manage in AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Membership is based on number of units owned/managed in the Southeast. 

  • 750 or More Units in the Southeast
  • 500 - 749 Units in the Southeast
  • 75 - 499 Units in the Southeast
  • Less than 75 Units in the Southeast

Associate Members (non voting) are those representatives of housing-related firms which provide services and supplies to the industry.

SAHMA Membership is one year from January to December with renewals in the 4th quarter for the following calendar year. Select the appropraite membership from the dropwdown below. 

Membership Type Details  
Membership Options

Member Programs

Multi-Family Insurance Program

Facilities Maintenance Buying Program

2025 NAHMA Drug-Free Kids Calendar
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